Hat Care

How to keep your MAGGIE MAE DESIGNS® chapeaux looking their best!


The fabric hats created at MAGGIE MAE DESIGNS® are very different in their hat care needs from straw and felted hats. In order to keep these hats looking like new, we recommend the following custom fabric hat care tips…

MAGGIE MAE DESIGNS® hats for the Kentucky Derby and weddings are well-made and durable. However, they will last longer and look lovelier if you handle them with care. Try not to pick up or pull your hat off by the crown. Instead, handle your hat by the edge of the brim and with two hands whenever possible!

Caring for your custom fabric hats


For starters, the quickest way to wear out the shape of your hats is to hang them upside down on a wall peg. Instead try placing your hat (well stuffed with tissue) on a hat stand which keeps the brim horizontal. Also do not place the hat down upon a flat surface as this can often ruin the shape of some brim styles.

Second, if you are not going to be wearing your hat for a while it is best to store it stuffed with tissue in a MAGGIE MAE DESIGNS® hatbox. In this way, the brim will retain its glorious shape and stay dust-free.

Hatbox for storing your custom fabric hat by MAGGIE MAE DESIGNS


The best adage in hat care for fine custom millinery is “an ounce of prevention”.  Hatbox storage is the best way to protect your hats. However if you generally display your hats out of hatboxes I do recommend regular vacuuming. Using the softest vacuum brush that you can, vac over the entire hat (flowers and all) very gently. You’ll be amazed what a difference either method makes, and your hats will love you for it!

For treatment of sweat stains a damp cloth is recommended. Similarly stubborn stains may need a little dishwashing liquid which often does the trick! For more in depth information on this kind of hat care that covers all types of hats please visit this link.
